Beiträge von skysurfer26


    Thank you

    What a shame that they dont do that project, would have given such a quality to the area !!

    And the original fasade of the theater should be reconstructed, was such a great idea, would give much more personality to that area, and now they say that this horrible 60's fasade is protected, got this politics have serious problems in their heads !!!!!!

    Den Entwurf von Langhof für das Internationale Operforum UdL/Komische Oper finde ich absolut genial


    Can someone tell me what are the chances that this beautiful project von Langhof will be constructed ?

    Its soooooo beautiful and so great quality !!

    By the way, is it the side of the entrance of the Komische Oper a recosntruction of the old beautiful fassade of the Theatre ?

    PS: sorry for not beeing able to write german properly...

    Hello Legende,

    That would be such a great idea, since it was such a beautiful and imposant building, but unfortunately money rules and also many people with very short and norrow minded views ...wich makes the idea imposible now a days...but if it was for me, I vote for reconstruction right now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They should reconstruct the original endings of the cupolas of the Dom, this ones made by the cominist look so horrible and make the Dom look funny and out of proportions...but I guess its to ask too much, this is Germany and anything related to reconstruction of things like they were before the war is bringing so many paranoias that the discussions are never ending....what a pitty !!

    The project of Langhof for the quartier at the Komishe Oper looks really great..hope they will still built it there, now this area looks so bad, a pitty what once was so beautiful fassades of the theaters standing there at Behren Strasse....lets hope....


    Leipzig is one of the best preserved and restaured big cities in Germany !!

    Congratulations !!!!!!!

    So may Grunderzeit buldings....amazing !!

    Hope they rebulid soon the Kirche in augustus Platz..and the best would be they rebuild also the old classic fassade of the University with those beautiful caratides on the doors !!